Found this out exploring, an old mine-site turned community landfill, the locals who can't be bothered to pay to tip their stuff at the dump, look over the side of any logging road and you'll find this, sad, really.

Although, it comes to me, the perfect spot to unbox a certain someone's gifts that have been filling up my jeep...

a graveyard of old bicycles in the forest, which suggest a horror movie, people riding up to explore the haunted mine site and never returning...

filled with boxes, books, cd's, old board games, like someone just packed up their house to move, then never got round to returning for their possessions...


exercise bench...properly socially distanced, 

Treehouse of horrors....

Old phonographs, tape players, 

Ore Samples

A blue styrofoam igloo

The solitary abandoned bike dropped by someone who missed the pile...


Finally, an old photo album, birth certificate & all, old photos, vaguely legible yet running in the rain, somehow it's like a tragedy, who leaves their birth certificate?

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