"We ascended in the lift, and the first room we entered was hung with an exhibition of queer works by Paul Klee which must have been passed on from the National Gallery, London, where they had been on show. The Poet Laureate had seen nothing of the kind before, and his puzzled, baffled expression made me laugh so loud that I was unaware of the Director's arrival on the scene.

  'My dear Wheatley, what on earth are these doing here?' said I.

  'Oh, this was my assistant's idea' he replied, but the assistant said it was the Director's idea. Whosesoever idea it was, the room was empty - not a soul there to see the Klees."

Sir Alfred Munnings on Paul Klee - Taken from "An Artist's Life". 

Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible. - Paul Klee


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