"Take what you like but leave some for others". I thought it was a kind thing, free rocks & dinosaur bones, but I was inundated. 700 views in 12 hours, 2 dozen messages, then the first 2 bright and squirrely...

First guy wants to take them all. I gently tell him - "Pick what you like but leave some for others, there's plenty there...". And he agrees and grabs a couple of buckets and leaves. Half are gone. The next, the same, and it's done, there's a few left - but not worth anyone driving over for.The second picker, he's Asian, and a bit despairing he got there 2nd, the first took all the good ones, the big ones, and I don't know why he wants them but - catch his eye - "Chinese Medicine?" - he doesn't answer, just looks at me. Maybe. Or maybe I'm being a racist prick, I don't want to be that but his taste isn't discerning in terms of quality or shape or structure, it's all about size, and I'm curious is all...their culture - to me at least - is still largely inscrutable.

There was plenty enough for everyone who responded to fill a medium canvas bag full, now there's none. 

Offer something for free - whatever - and you can see the worst in people. I was half tempted to suggest that air was free, but I didn't want them hyperventilating and passing out in my hall. And if they paid? What are they like at an all-you-can-eat buffet?

Never again, and I can only despair at the state and future of humanity.

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