There was, not so long ago, maybe only a year or two, a big spate of missing children in this area.

Little kids that would go camping with their parents and just disappear, and their faces would be on posters and milk cartons everywhere, yet no one ever found them. You remember? Little Johnny Horner from your old kindergarten class? No, he didn't move away, he was one of the kids that disappeared, yes, and Sally Harper from Miss. Fairchild's grade 3 class as well. But let me finish.
So these children were going on camping trips with their parents, and sometimes they'd be off playing or sometimes it would happen in the middle of the night - they would just vanish.

And their parents would look for them, sometimes for a full day after they disappeared, yet they never found them again. And the police would come to help, yes, and sometimes firefighters and people from nearby towns, yet they never found them...

Well, I shouldn't really tell you the rest.

Are you sure? I don't want you having any bad dreams!

OK. Well, nobody knew what was happening to all these children, only that they were disappearing without a trace, like in that vampire movie :"The Lost Boys", only it wasn't vampires. No, nothing so pleasant. You see, one day there was a little boy - Jacob I think his name was, who went off to the bathroom and his parents said "Be careful" because they knew about all the missing children in the area and they didn't want him to go missing, and so he propped the door of the outhouse just a little bit open while he sat down....
Now as he was sitting there in the dark his eyes began to adjust and he looked up and thought he saw something move in the rafters, it was hard to tell it was so dark and there were so many spider webs, but it looked like...

That's right - a long hairy leg, two of them, three, and they were creeping down the side of the outhouse towards him....
Anyways, little Jacob fell screaming out of the outhouse and hopped towards his parents...
I think it was just a pee, I don't know why he sat down. Maybe he just wanted to be tidy.

SO he was hopping towards his parents screaming at the top of his lungs, and they could see through the door, well, something moving and so they called the police and they found....
His mom probably had another pair of pants for him. Yes, it probably did make a mess, or maybe he hadn't started yet. Can I finish?
....they found, up in all the spider webs at the top of the outhouse, 3 children all wrapped up in spiders silk, big cocoons, well, no, not the children but their bones. They never caught the spider, it might have crept off into the woods or disappeared down the toilet hole, yeah, it's gross, but spiders like that sort of stuff. Anyways, they checked the other outhouses in the area, found a couple of other kids, their skeletons I mean, and they cleaned out all the outhouses and removed the spiderwebs from the top so you can see the rafters, and that's the tale of the demon outhouse.

It's getting late, did you need to go to the bathroom before we tuck in?

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