MCC, or Mennonite Central Committee, is larger thrift shop located near the Salvation Army and Value Village in the North East, offering a large selection of furniture and clothing. Proceeds raised fund various initiatives in developing countries such as HIV/AIDS projects and providing educational assistance for children and young adults.


2946 32 St. N.E.
Calgary, AB
Phone: 403.272.0282


Hours:  Monday - Saturday 9:30 - 5:00 (?).

Prices: Good.

Chance of finding a bargain:  Good.

Chance of finding a treasure:  Average.

Merchandise:  Clothing, housewares, furniture and books. Antiques and recognized treasures are sold via silent auction.

Overall: A good thrift shop, reasonable prices, good selection, occasional sales that take 50-75% off their already low prices.

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