Every time. My contract expires, I start getting text messages telling me that my contract expired, that I'm due for a free upgrade. I ignore them, my phone, it's working great, what would I need another for? 

But one day, maybe 6 months out of contract, the "company" has had enough of my resistance, charging the phone and it fails. Charging is when it updates, I'm suspicious, according to the display the battery isn't charging, but - it's a bit of a coincidence, the phone,  it's like new, A Samsung Galaxy Neo 5, and every time I'm just out of contract the old phone mysteriously dies and I have to get a new phone, change my agreement, upgrade my service...

The new phone, a Huawei, the same as is in the news, an absolutely great camera on it, amazing, otherwise it's still a damned phone, only now I'm allowed more texting and day to day internet insanity than I would ever have needed or dreamed I could afford.

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