So a couple of hours before work, and I went on a little expedition exploring a couple KM up past the silver mines on Woodbury Pt. 

Some excellent and very promising geology.

I've kept all the photos original size - slow to load, but if rocks are your thing open the image in a new tab to view all the glorious details...

Great upended swaths of metamorphic rocks and Schist, iron stained, perfect silvery mica, lots of vugs and pockets filled with mud, poking through them, no crystals, but abundant potential.

Intrusive in the schists vuggy outcrops of rhyolite - exciting, similar to what they dig red beryls (Bixbite) and Topaz out of in Utah.

Heavy mineralization, iron, sulpher, quartz, traces of copper, absolutely promising as all out. I dig a few of the vugs, no luck finding crystals, but there are numerous outcrops and I'm only a couple of KM up the road - there will be abundant other places to check.

Vuggy rhyolite...with occupant.

And I find what appears to be a lava flow - river cobbles in conglomerate, cemented by a deep black mineralization, this might be worth digging up and panning (although there would have to be some crushing involved as well). 

All in all an excellent short little field trip that promises, well great things. I have yet to find the tourmalines and staurolites, but these are great exposures, and promising in the extreme, a hundred other forestry service roads to explore, all things here are possible...

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