A few days of back-to-work cleaning up and resetting up the restaurant. 

I'm less than enthused. It keeps me busy, but serves as well to remind me of all the ways I'd prefer to spend my summer.

Yesterday, a trip with Chris up to Johnson's Landing, hike into the granites of Fry Creek. The right geology, but no great finds. I'll need to try this again and complete the hike.

On the road back, stop to explore a few mines, the road is dotted with adits:

Looked like a mine, got out, yep, sure enough...notice the great yellowing seams of quartz. Very coarse and granular, on the verge of becoming crystals if only there were a pocket...

Inside, hundreds of gnats (Why?), and of course, the masses of cave spiders:

in the cracks on the ceiling some bigger, juicier ones who's species eludes me. There are some small transparent crystals in a ceiling pocket - quartz, but the positioning in the ceiling doesn't recommend collecting...

You can see the quartz becoming crystals in the limestone outside...

A couple of other stops, more "Close, but no cigar" type situations, big, blocky massive quartz seams, crystals lacking in pockets. The terrain is right, but needs more exploring. And then home, the pitter patter of rain on a tin roof....

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