A few links to some things that amused me online recently. 

#1) A breakdown of why Patagonia's Non-Profit Donation was more about power than Charity, courtesy of Adam Conover (Adam ruins everything) - to summarize, money wasn't charitably given away, it was merely exchanged for power. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cu6EbELZ6I
2) An amusing go-deep episode on "Cracked" that shows 10 Conservative messages hidden in "Con-Air". I never got it when I watched it, found it a generally mindless action flick, but - upon watching their analysis I have to concede Jerry Bruckheimer did a pretty good job of getting his message out to his target audience: Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MyTkIK4wn8

And, finally, a little less political - although it's hard to look away, given the state of the nation/world...

Art Without Intent - an online gallery of found art. I'm finding this stuff all the time, but still it's inspiring... Link: https://artwithoutintent.com/

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