Meanwhile, life moves on, Batsh*t has disappeared for a bit (after leaving me a quarter bag of coffee, a can of chicken bouillon and an Xmas Card...cryptic, "Wispa: 10 ... 10 ... 10 ...", his gift needs to be packed up, and the lack of tips means I'm using up years, decades old Amazon gift cards...

Closer to home there's my daughter:

Search:"Gifts for 16 Year Old Girls"...

Results: Bullshit.

I mean, really, WTF? A shitty made-in-China-mostly-lead bracelet? Fucking hell!!! Or the EverKid Bangles Bracelets Elegant Fashion Jewelry Multicolored Enamel Bangle?? An all-pink Sweet 16 Journal?

I mean...Has no-one on the marketing team had a reasonably intelligent 16 year old to contend with? WTF? This is bullshit...

You know, This shit just isn't going to fly. And the snow is on the ground and I won't be finding anything great soon...Time to go looking for some alternate inspirations...

Bloody Hell.



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