This is education as sponsored by corporations:


Now there's a whole hell of a lot wrong going on here, yet they're apparently "saved" by the lack of clear rules. Everyone wants to make up their own rules as they go along, and be accountable to no one, but clearly as dean she's made herself accountable to Enbridge, and not the University. And while they are a major sponsor, when Academia is accountable to corporate interests and donations rest assured that education will be directed along the comfortable paths dictated by it's sponsorship. Note that a faculty member with concerns about the new facility was not in a position to voice them (again, the University absolves her for scolding him, but this is clearly not the free environment of ideas and questioning thought that an institution supposedly dedicated to higher learning should be). And I have, frankly, little sympathy for someone who needs to top up their base salary of $480, 000 per year with sitting on corporate boards. This is clear and transparent conflict of interest, which is why there are no explicit rules about it.

Solution? Well, the Dean has a job on the board of Enbridge. Clearly that's where her loyalties lie, and while we can appreciate she's a hell of a fundraiser, her approach to transparently obvious ethical considerations should see her out of a job at the U of C. 

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