I don't have a TV, I don't watch the news, so I never see how these things unfold.

Helicopter circling, "Live Coverage" - ongoing, second-hand eyewitness reports of the massacre, another disgruntled student inspired by the media coverage of countless other schoolyard shootings just like it. Unbelievable. And before the week is out there will be another copycat killing, for which the networks and grubbing journalists covering it are 110% responsible. It is impossible to see how this news impacts anyone other than the friends and family of the victims, and I seriously doubt any of them would want to learn of this via the news. The "News" - if you believe it - exists only to serve it's own ratings.

For a idea of how the media adversely affects mental health and encourages people to act out on their worst impulses, read Time Magazine on the spike of suicides that followed the publicity of Robin Williams suicide. (Link: http://time.com/5137194/robin-williams-suicide-rate/).

Local news outlets for a long time have not published suicides, aware that they created copycats. That National News agencies can livestream schoolyard shootings with full knowledge of the copycats it will inspire - every schoolyard shooting since the Stockton School Shooting in 1989 can be argued is a copycat, and the blame laid squarely on the media's doorstep. This isn't news, it's first degree murder.

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