It's pretty much a given that whatever our US neighbors are doing we'll be doing in 4 or 5 years. Calgary, sooner, because we're easily the most American city in Canada.

Summary: A Calgary Police officer shoots and kills a 76 year old man "armed" with a hammer [Links: The Calgary Herald, The Calgary Sun](or sharp-edged tool, mebbe a hatchet?). Think about it. He's in his garage, the chief during the interview drops all sorts of hints that "suggest" he was about to kill himself - suicide by cop - (hose attached to car, etc). - and the police shoot him. The Police Chief notes emphatically that he stands behind the actions of his men. No wonder the approval rating for Calgary cops is so high...

Now, the Sun, always the Sun, offers a fine defense for our police. That's ok, it's their job to talk shit, no one who reads the Sun finished high school, fewer still I suspect those who write for it. It's hard - very hard, beggars the imagination - how officers equipped with tasers and Kevlar vests and guns and nighsticks and armor-clad hummers should have to shoot a 76 year old man armed with a hammer. The conflict - with his grandson - who knows? Maybe senile dementia, or maybe crack-addled grandson was being a pest. We don't know and the police just killed the star witness.  When he appeared why didn't you just back away and call for backup? Call for ideas? Was he that much of a threat? Really? How old were the officers? Where's the bodycam video? "Technical Difficulties"? Really? I think you just don't want them...This is a list of the salaries for police officers in Calgary. We can expect better. We're paying for better, lets expect better. 

Meanwhile, other cops across the nation: Benjamin "Monty" Robinson (gotta love a Cop with an Alias) - appealing his perjury conviction following the murder of Robert Dziekanski at Vancouver Airport. He followed that act with the impaired murder of a motorcyclist. He remained on the force until 2012 ... Really, folks, this is the best we can do? This guy should be in jail for a very, very long time. Instead he's out enforcing "Law and Order". 

And Britain Loves Pedophiles:

I actually suspect it's embedded in their DNA. That, and they're only the Police, after all. Get a neighborhood watch sign, you'll be better protected.

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