I heard this for about 15 minutes on the radio, then had to turn it off. Incredible, although, really, I didn't expect any better. But to every American that ever bought into their mythology that Capitalism rewards the best, to anyone that thinks they live in a Democracy or that these two clowns in any way represent the brightest, most educated members of their population - well, it should be your wake-up call.

A civil war is brewing, and if Canada had legs we should be up and walking a little closer to Europe or New Zealand, things down there are about to get real bad.

And as scathing as the analysis and news was, none went far enough: The US is done, done, done and over.

Then, the news this morning that POTUS and FLOTUS had both tested positive for the virus - well, fair, but unless their treating the President with his own patented quack cures I doubt it will change things much. So now to sit back, get out the popcorn and await the show...

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