And a few of the films I watched over the holidays with and without the daughter: Shot Caller - her choice, absolute BS Prison film. Like LOL ridiculous. Bullshit. The Sixth Sense, which she liked, the twist and all, but then described it to a friend as "about a dead child psychologist"...No spoilers here. Weiner, about the infamous politician of the same name, and while it's easy to judge there's too often the confusion between a politician - his or her professed viewpoints and politics, with the politician, the person, and not many people are good at both. "Sausage Party", and yes, I certainly have to admire Seth Rogen for imparting his own brand of pot-addled brilliance to ... well, really, what was I thinking? It was brilliant, for sure, but entirely not my thing and life's a little bit too short. And finally, the clear winner of the season - "Nice Guys" - which was that funny and then some. If you see one make it the last one.

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