The movie, with the daughter, her reward for watching the original (which she didn't ...). I had low expectations, and they weren't disappointed. I mean, for what it was, well, it was over the top. Completely. I mean a whole new tier of stupidity, extraneous characters that are carried the entire film serving no function, monsters being killed a dozen times over, again and again, damn, these things just won't die, and I'm embarrassed for Tom Hiddleston, running over these beasts in a toxic green gas killing baby pterodactyls with his samurai sword...did he not read the script? Samuel Jackson, did you not read the script? And the giant Daddy Longlegs, the stick bug, silliness, silliness, and when they try to add meaning and profundity...Lol. Yeah, no, nice try. But I explain it to the daughter..."It's a metaphor for the destabilization of the middle East by American interests...". Nope. Just another movie with 100 million dollars for special effects and $28.00 for a screenwriter...

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