He's got dozens of them, maybe even hundreds, some are ho-hum while others are actually pretty fucking brilliant. It's amazing - from the comments - how many people think he's serious. When he does it right he gives nothing away and he's got that backyard-American-Crazy down to a T. In others he goes that little bit too far - for my tastes at least.

Here's a few of his better ones:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K43Aib5rovI The discovery of the note from his father warning him not to eat it is just beautiful!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DObg907MC8 Bigfoot in Barn surrounded by Police (read the comments!!)

And, finally, what I think is the best one so far:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9z-gFiHIl4 I have a Bigfoot Penis

Which is just sheer genius, and it works on so many levels.  

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