From the scrolls he dropped off I get it. I mean, unpack all the garbage and there will be a few... ...scrolls like this... but in my delivery there's the departure from his usual subject, reading between the lines it appears he he took his work to a local Christmas Craft and Bake fair, maybe hoping to raise some Xmas funds and get his finger into the Christmas Pie, only things didn't go quite as he'd planned.

In case you forgot here's a few samples of his work:

I have a mental picture of him, walking through the rain down to the community hall, sack full of scrolls to show to the guardians,looking for all the world like old papa Christmas in his cigarette scarred red sweater and toque, only the establishment, the 30-60-90 (his rule of proportions, of cited in the scrolls, is 50-30-40, he likes his women top heavy...) "lead water drinking" blue haired old ladies, rejecting him... And then him walking back, bag of scrolls over his shoulder, the Charlie Brown Christmas music in the background, and I'm rooting for him, Jeeeesuz Christ, but I get it, oh man I get it, both sides, your stuff ain't showing at this Christmas Craft and Bake fair man...

Some details from the latest batch of scrolls:


Yeah, you read that right..."Head of Gals Art...Amy Shit-Face". I gotta interview her...


It's like he's Borat, only sincere, and that makes him 1000 times better...

It's no big deal to loose out on an Xmas Christmas and Craft fair, it means your an artist, Jeesus fucking Christ, if they allowed you in you'd be as bad as they are, don't you get it? But at the same time I'm feeling his rejection, and realizing that I just missed a great documentary moment...I try and console him when he next comes in, he just brushes it off, he got it out of his system in these scrolls, more masterpieces for posterity...

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