Been a couple of weeks, head to town to track him down.

I find him in front of the Coffee Wagon.

Mitch at the coffee wagon, to pick up a coffee for Stormy while he runs his other errands, Mitch, by way of making conversation, asks how I know him, if I really know him, if I know "George", and he's dead-naming him, taboo, even here, somehow he's a bit jealous of our friendship, grown protective, and I'm a bit cautious, evasive, I mean, I know what he tells me and I can figure out a fair bit, I refer to Google, and he dismisses it with a "Pooh - WHAT DOES GOOGLE KNOW?", true, true, but you'd be surprised, still, he was Mitch's friend first and I should know it, sometimes, dealing with these hyper-intense hippies, it gets to be a bit much.

He ditches his scooter to crawl into the jeep, we're on a mission.

Several missions, actually. Swing by the Salvation Army, meet "Joe", who's standing outside to have a smoke, enquire as to the status of Stormy's Xmas Ham, he ordered and paid for it, and then if he'd seen "Brandy", he'd given her 80$ for a carton of off-brand cigarettes and she'd just disappeared...Joe thinks about it for a second, looks into space for a second, then tells Stormy - bluntly - that he'd best write it off, he's not seeing his money or his cigarettes...


I know Brandy, she's a friend of Stormy's, fine ass, pretty face, but sketchy. Always sketchy. Every time, tweaking, so you know where the money went...He'd tried to suggest that she needed a roommate, helping me out with my homelessness - but - while there would be benefits for sure - well, there would be drawbacks.

From here, lunch at the Yellow Deli, then to a couple of thrift shops, Stormy needs a newer pair of sweats, the old ones, well, they're just falling off of him, out to his apartment to grab my Xmas present, now to find tape so I can wrap it up, there's a big bag of scrolls - absent the gifts - marvelous, something to unbox, I won't be in town again anytime soon, and that's the day.

So, if you were wondering, he's fine. And this morning I unrolled his scrolls - well over 100, prodigal output for a couple of weeks, and - by the looks of some of them they're allowing him back into Cowan's to do his photocopying (they bar him every couple of days or so, I understand why, but STILL the man's the greatest living artist in the Kootenays, maybe even all of Canada, so cut him a little slack...). 

Anyways, easily a 3 hour job to unroll, read, reread and reroll them all - I chose a large sample to share with you. Pretty fucking hilarious & amazing.


A half-full bag of scrolls, there were actually 3 bags all told...

Didn't know you knew Ms. Lucy, Apparently she wants to share her portrait with you. Done on Light-Bright Paper.

Missy Funbagz. Yep. Another phrase to remember during intimate moments...

I've got to find him some more adult magazines...these collages are amazing!


This begins some of his more serious literary efforts. You can figure out the order if you wish, they all fell out of the bag as scrolls so I couldn't figure out how they were to be arranged, but - 3 hours of unrolling scrolls, it's easy to be overwhelmed and really, I didn't try that hard. This will be a job for the "Archivist".

Anyways, when they've all been put in order we can animate the stories and make little Xmas movies for the kids.

I loved this one. Approx 11 X 17 Inches, photocopy with embellishments & highlights.

All this An'l Probin of Earth Speciminz'll B Eazy P'EEZY...cuz --->

Still Here? Bloody Hell There's More. But I was wondering who Sissi was and I think I figured it out...

Kinda like what he did with that Brunette on the left...

Lil bit of local history messing with the Aliens up there...

Miss Fuzzy Hortense. How do improve upon that?

And wow! The end. Now I've got to look at some eyebleach, internet kittens or something...

Smart Search