Since moving to town I've been avoiding Stormy. The last couple of visits he rather tried my patience, and I'm terrified that if he finds out where I live I'll be marked by the neighbors as a nuisance with his constant visits, panhandling and unsolicited gifts. But - the few times I've run into him on the street he's insisted I go to pick up my scrolls - they've been piling up outside his apartment...

And so, today, after an unsuccessful morning of prospecting I head over. And there's a lot of shit. A dozen bags, purses, etc, all tied together with sting, yarn, rubber bands, you can't pick up one bag, you have to take them all, and god-damned, this place was clean for a full 2 weeks and now I have to do a major unboxing...

That's it, though, the food goes in the garbage and all the dumb-ass toys and books he's lifted from the free piles scattered around Nelson are going back to his house!

There does appear to be a lot of scrolls, though, so it seems like I have my reading cut out for me.

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