Meanwhile, back from another expedition and I'm out for dinner with Stormy. Well, maybe not out, but over at his place. True to form he "made" me a burger...

A burger, wrapped in 7 plastic bags and a used serviette. And - look closer ... is that a bite out of it?

I think it is. "No, no, ..." Stormy argues, "they just started to cut it in half, I can never eat a whole one..."

Anyways, I nibbled at the un-nibbled end so as not to appear ungrateful, the rest of the food was as appetizing, I just kept pretending to eat and throwing it back into the bag...

When I was younger I worried that in my grand adventures of life what would I do if I were with the Eskimos and I was expected to eat a Seals eyeball, or eat Monkey Brains and roasted bugs with Indiana Jones. Knowing Stormy has made me realize I'd probably be just fine.

For a sampling of the great artists company view the video. Although, I have to say, he wasn't in great form.

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