Tracked him down the day before I left, it'd been a couple of weeks since I'd seen him last and he'd been busy. I mean busy.

A very full 2 bags of scrolls, quite likely a hundred or more as they're often rolled 2 or three together and double sided.

And a Christmas gift, in case I didn't make it back to see him.

A pewter peeing cherub melted into a candle plinth. Note the sparkly hair scarf, he's got a big of a drag thing going on there...

Instructions for the boy as to how to get to his old house at the Naval base, he's hoping to see some pictures.

Out for dinner, he's affecting a "Banksy" look. The mitten - well, he had a stroke about 7 or 8 years ago - was left handed, then had to learn to draw with his right hand all over again. 

I've got to start scanning his scrolls - and getting them framed in double sided glass - there's often pictures ala Kadinsky - on both sides. He deserves a show - really, there's no artist on earth as prolific, and disregarded - I doubt very much that of the 30 or 40,000 scrolls he's produced if even 500 hundred survive. And, yeah, it's all a bit out there, but that's the charm, and the artist doesn't always separate so easily from his work. Anyways, I've a lot of work sorting out all his gifts and artwork - flattening it, scanning it, and - of course, unboxing videos (there's whole boxes here of his stuff I just dropped off on trips back to Calgary that I have yet to go through...hopefully no rotten fruit!).

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