A find day of thrifting...I sold the phone for $80.00, reinvested the profits back into...

The first few finds, a copy of "The Land of 12-Food Davis" by J.G. MacGregor, A History of the Peace River Country. Interesting. I could use some light reading...

an old Pyrex jar. Now to fill it with brains or some such...

Perfect, for a twonie, a chance to make my anatomical correction of Jar-Jar Binks...and when done, to leave it on someone's lawn. Now to figure who's lawn to leave it on, who would appreciate it and not call the police...

And finally these two:

crescent glasses, antique, gold rims, my prescription...

And this:

The lining says it all, vintage "Pioneer" leather coat made in Albuquerque New Mexico...

Less of a coat than a career choice, this coat screams "I LIKE TO PARTY", I'm gonna change my name to "Boone" and travel the old west singing songs about raccoons and outlaws... 

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