Last Monday night, holiday Monday, after work, all the employees are out and about the restaurant. It's grey, the smoke is socked in, the moon hangs a blood red in the sky, changing in the basement, come outside to find that I missed it.

A meteor - blazing over Creston, sonic boom heard in Nelson, Creston, up to Riondel. 

This excites me, the next morning, up early, Googling it, plenty of footage - according to this link it landed somewhere in the Meadows, about 30 some KM north of Kaslo. If it landed, but the size suggests it probably did...


Waiting outside, need someone with the morning off and a sense of adventure to go looking for pieces, chances are slim, if it landed on the road - or pieces of it, I find my driver and we're off...

A couple of hours searching the roads for fragments, nothing, the roads, they're really the only hope, the rest of the country too rugged, impossible to find anything unless by chance...

Another coworker, she's been off searching the other side of the lake, she checks with me as to what she should be looking for, I describe to her, heavy, fusion crust, magnetic, ...

...and she starts bringing in her finds for me to identify, thumb-sized garnets, samples of Galena, ore, and - without realizing it she's serendipitously discovered a mountain full of other treasures and I'm waiting for some shared time off so she can take me along, pictures will follow... 

Smart Search