
"This the V March 1876 in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy six. We the undersigned do this day organize a banty bank. We will go to the west side of the Keechi Hills which is about fifty yards from a crossed set of rifles. Follow the trail line coming through the mountains just east of lone hill where we buried Jack, his grave is east of a rock. This contract made and entered into this V day of March 1876. This gold shall belong to who signs below.” Carved into the bucket were the names: Jesse James, Frank Miller, George Overton, Rub Busse, Charlie Jones, Cole Younger, Will Overton, Uncle George Payne, Frank James, Roy Baxter, Bud Dalton, and Zack Smith. "


Begins a curious old-west treasure tale involving Jesse and Frank Miller, numerous clues and treasure hieroglyphs, a curious treasure seeker named "Joe Hunter" and more. It's an interesting story that rings in several parts true, not least because survivors of the the gang actually returned to the area to seek out the various treasures reputed to be hidden there, and the weight of all evidence (bucket, above, included) is compelling.

Read more here: and here: and here:

There's abundant more information on this, but the existence of the bucket, the copper scrolls, other maps and testimonies of surviving gang members, plus the slight caches unearthed, suggest there's a great deal more out there to be found. Interesting reading regardless...

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