A family dinner, Kootenays, outside - my father, mother, younger son and daughter are here, fading sun, outdoors at a long table, ...So is N*** and her daughter, somewhere, taller, but her boyfriend isn't. That would have been awkward. And mom is running the grill at the end of the table, she's cooking the sprouts, the bananas, piling it on my plate but the eggs and the bacon are raw, and I don't want to make a scene, keep giving it back for her to cook, she won't let me near it, I keep getting the same thing back, cooked sprouts, bananas, raw eggs and raw bacon...

I tell the boy to shove down, it's now me on the long end of the table, beside the boy, my father is beside him, N*** is at the head, Mom is busy not-cooking the food and N***'s  daughter and my daughter aren't to be seen, and I ask her "Is this how you eat your eggs now, raw?" and she nods quietly yes...I eat my food.

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