..that I'm with a partner and another couple and we're in the basement of the Banff Springs - Not Banff Springs Hotel. We're all walking together, deep, deep in the roots of the earth, admiring the sunless architecture. Grand halls after grand rooms and more grand halls. Everywhere there are mice, hundreds, thousands of them, this is no place to eat, we'll wait until we get up higher in the castle or labyrinth... 

We split from the other couple, they have they're own things to do, and find a room lit with a lightbulb to spend the night. 

The next day, wandering up, up, we meet them again, they have all this green slime food on the floor in the dining room, and the man is commanding his disciples to eat it off the floor, they're all his slaves, peculiar sexual undertones...

I want no part of it, I'm leaving the hotel, my girlfriend, she's hesitant, doesn't want to leave, lingering, she wants to join the cult...

(girlfriend was an unknown, didn't know her at all, as were the other people. Peculiar, disconcerting dream...)

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