I'm with my father in Australia. We're in some sort of Disney World, or amusement park, and we're at a fitness facility, multiple stories high. The basement, filled with water, a swimming pool, deep, big, and I'm thinking it makes sense, because, Australia...

And then we're at the ground floor level, and there's a skating rink, and I'm thinking, "Hell Ya Pa's going to teach these Aussies how to play hockey..."

We're walking. There's a woman he knows that's fallen in step with us, he knows her somehow, and I'm thinking this trip to Australia, maybe I didn't I understand it completely?

She's trying to keep up with him, friends are joining her...

And there's other friends, on my left, I don't know them, and they're being joined by other friends, pretty, and dad is walking faster trying to outstrip them all...

I have this image in my head, all the maps of Australia I've seen, criss-crossed with red lines of the travels I should have taken....

... and now it's the world, from tropical islands off the coast of Africa, hot summer days visiting islands that exist only in my dreams...

(Weird, but not unpleasant. Dream places, that I recollect from dreams and so have that haunting familiarity, but no corollary in real life)

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