Image: Euros This is a truly great Jedi Mind Trick.

Suppose that your on a date and you've had dessert and the bill comes and your date doesn't make any effort to try and pay.

First you should try and stall to give her a chance. Maybe she doesn't know you're a Jedi. But if you've waited a while and you've already ordered another dessert and she still hasn't made any attempts to pay and you're kind of out of things to talk about this Jedi Mind Trick will get you off the hook.

Pick up the bill and go to pay the waiter in front of your date. When you open your wallet you discover that all you have is Euros. You don't have to have real Euros, just printed high quality facsimiles. You could make them at home, just find some high res pictures of Euros online, crop them and print them out. Say to the waiter "Oh, darn, I haven't changed my money yet. You take Euros, don't you?". It's best if you can say it in a European accent. Your date will be very impressed that you've been to Europe and can speak European and this will give you something else to talk about later. Meanwhile the waiter will, if you're in Canada, most definitely tell you that he/she doesn't take Euros and your date will pay the bill. 

If your date still doesn't offer to pay the bill you could give the waiter one of those American Express cards that say "Your Name Here" and tell him you'll come back to pick it up after you change your money.That will usually make everyone happy but you'll have to wait until American Express sends you another one before you can go on another date.

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