Sometimes I ride the bus a lot because I don't like to drive my landspeeder around. It gets too many looks. And a great Jedi Mind Trick you can do on the bus is to take an old tranfer that has the same time on it that your getting on the bus, and cover the date with your finger and show it to the bus driver. You wave it back and forth like your showing it to him, but really you're doing a Jedi Mind Trick.

Now sometimes the bus driver will stop you and say "Can I see that please", which is why I wear a Jedi mood ring on the finger that's covering the date. Because when the bus driver asks to see the transfer I pretend to think that he's really interested in my ring and I put the transfer in my other hand so I can use it again and show him my ring and start to tell him where I got it and what sorta mood I'm in and how he could be a Jedi too and just not know it.

Usually this works. If it doesn't I just pretend I forgot something and get off the bus and wait for another one.


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