Trying out a new older waiter, Persian, he reminds the nephew a bit of a cross between Z** and M*****. Which gets him to reminiscing...about a time, busy evening...

...and Z**, older waiter, Muslim, from Bangladesh, short, friendly, hugs and kisses to all the customers, they hated him or they loved him, an even split...

...and Z**, he was kind of the birthday waiter, if it was your birthday or anniversary he made sure you got a sparkler in your dessert and tried to gather the staff to sing "Happy Birthday", nobody was that interested, he often had to do it on his own, it's really all a bit too degrading, more degrading than anyone should have to put up with, that he voluntarily chose to grovel, loved to grovel, well, that was his thing...

...anyways, tensions between Z** and everyone could get a bit high, and one evening, busy evening, when Z** was pandering to a birthday table, running across the dining room with a dessert and a lit sparkler, when the nephew spots him and shouts in his best Arabic accent "Allahu Akbar"...which is, however cruel, funny as hell...he justifies it by explaining that he had been watching those videos (those videos) all day...

The customers, they laughed, hard, non-stop, they're mostly rich white folk anyways who share his prejudices, Z**, he wasn't so amused, and they had a long row in the kitchen before the owner forced them to make up...

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