Sunday with the daughter, skating, been a while, she's pretty good. You would expect that, what with 5 years of hockey lessons and all, but I had rather over estimated my progress. And my 2 younger girlfriends, 5 & 7, there waiting, haven't seen them for 6 months, they immediately pounce, berate me for not having brought my scarf to tow them around the rink with, ask if I rode my dragon there and remembered that I was a wizard and checked with the daughter that it was true (and her rather sarcastic and jealous responses...), "What do you feed your dragon?" they ask..."Children" I tell them...

From here we pick up the daughters friend, wander around Cross-Iron Mills, then for dinner to the all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ. Sushi. And watching them order, the second helping, of course they go overboard, we're inundated with excessive sushi and food, I go to the bathroom, they spike my water with Wasabi, I merely switch with the daughter, the putrid yellow-green was a sure giveaway, nevermind...

We order desserts. For them, the tempura ice cream, for me, the green-tea ice cream. The table is still piled with the remnants of our excesses...My Ice cream arrives, I have a bite, "...would either of you like a taste?" I offer, "Yes PLEASE!" they chime, and I pass the spoon to her friend who takes a small mouthful...

A shame, if the daughter had been quicker to seize the leftovers I could have killed 2 birds with one stone...watching her friends face, puzzled, then contorted and the spitting into her water glass..."OMG" begins the daughter "I have never wanted anything so bad in my whole life and been soooo glad I never got it...You gave her Wasabi! You are a GENIUS"...

Never has malice found a more appreciative audience, and I bathe in my dark glory...

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