It's the end of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Halloween, and I've talked a few of the co-workers into going, they've never seen it. But I've seen it, how many times, 3, 4 years in a row? And I'm getting bored...

This year, it's rather less attended then most years, perhaps only 3/4 full, and a more subdued host, not as much absurdity, antics. Still a lot of absurdity and antics. They all enjoy it, salad girl, her boyfriend, the new Italian waiter, G and his girlfriend, everyone is happy but me...

Next year it will be the daughter's introduction, I'm just going to dump her and a friend and let them figure it all out. I'm done, I love the movie, the characters, the songs, but 3, mebbe even 4 years in a row, there's gotta be a better party out there somewhere, it's Halloween, I know there is...

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