With fall rapidly approaching we've acquired a mouse. Everyone in the kitchen has seen it, we've seen it in the dining room, bar, now the question is to catch it.

We've had these infestations before, always managed to catch them all, the tell-tale droppings on the table cloth, in the bread, this, a single mouse, maybe two, we'll round them up....

But it's Greg VS Mouse, and I have a pretty strong feeling that it will be Greg that is outwitted. 

Picture an animated Ren and Stimpy type cartoon, only Greg as the older, alcoholic bartender, short, burly Italian, red nose, standing behind the bar in the swarm of fruitflies he's been trying to exterminate now for a year...he looks like nothing so much as a miniature french bulldog, those anxious, sad, worried eyes...

And mouse, confidently running about the dining room, bar, kitchen...

In any battle of the wits, Mouse is sure to win...

Every week, Greg lays traps, baits them with the finest cheeses. Every week, mouse eludes him. Every week, Greg orders more ACME products, all of which somehow backfire ridiculously, the mouse does the same on his days off, but the mouses plans are better laid, they work out better. Think Tom and Jerry, Wile E Coyote and Roadrunner...

It's the live re-enactment of a cartoon, and all I have to do is watch. The Mouse will be fine...

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