Starting in Nelson, church sale, I'm about 5 minutes late. Too late, as it would turn out:

A pair of beautiful antique candlesticks, early Georgian, but in somebody elses pile of stuff. Damn Damn Damn. I need another set of Candlesticks like I need a hole in the head, but it's not my nature to pass them by...

A good deal on a kitschy antique porcelain clock. I think it's a good deal, in any event my pockets weren't so deep, I left it.

"The Seven Storey Mountain", by Thomas Merton, I picked it up. 50 cents.

And a beautiful inlaid music box, made in Italy. I had to pick this up, I remember buying one for a girlfriend in the early 80's, cost a fortune, well over $100 when $100 was a proper sum of money, I'm not leaving it here...

With Key!!


From here, a couple of other garage sales, nothing of interest. Then the road home, there were a couple of people putting out signs on the drive in...

And this is where I score: A big barn, filled with miscellaneous rubbish, everything, a collector...

3 vintage cameras, excellent condition, with flash bulbs and a leather case for the Zeiss...

$5.00 each. Surprisingly they're not worth a lot more than that, but for aesthetics and mixed media possibilities they're priceless. After some internal debating I pick them up, there's lots more equipment, lenses and such, but I'm on the first tour of the room. I'm being followed, I don't know it, but walking round the barn - a Hamilton 8 Day instrumentation clock, pair of vintage snowshoes, pick up, admire, by the time I make my second pass they're gone...


Uranium pressed glass swan. Under UV Light:

I'm glad I held on to the Cameras, and given that I'm 90 minutes or so late I wonder what I missed - I definitely chose my garage sales in the wrong order...

Excellent quality bikers wallet, with chain - perfect for waitering. I have similar in Calgary, better even, but the finding of them in the locker is it's own private Idaho...

Another bunch of sales in the trailer park by Balfour, nothing of interest.


Sunday, up, return to the sale - if the prices have dropped I'll clean up on the camera lenses - perfect for mixed media. Most of them are sold, but they've laid out a few new treasures for me:

Plumb bob and Camera lens, the only one remaining, they were too good to leave, somebody scooped me on my indecision. Fair enough.

Antique/Vintage #4 Redwing Pot. Great for plants...

Fly fishing rod. I'll be needing this.

And a chop-saw, $10, at another sale in Balfour, I tried to dicker them down, "Make us an offer" they said, but there's no reasonable offer you can make on a chop saw that isn't double or triple the price they were selling it at...


Monday, in town for happy hour, pop into a couple of thrift shops. And I find this:


A Pelikan Drafting set, perfect. Not a deal, market price, but a unique thing and I can't wait to try it out...

All in all, an excellent weekend's garage sales...

Smart Search