It's a different place, for sure. 

I mean, there are people that have lived here 30 years and don't have winter tires or four wheel drive. It's insane. There are few places on earth where it would be more important, yet they still don't, haven't gotten around to it, can't afford to, other priorities...


And there are people that hold down regular jobs by hitchhiking the 20 or 30 KM to work a day. Hitchhiking is considered a reliable means of transport. 


If you own land and have a bunch of abandoned trailers or school buses you're a fucking landlord.


But this is the best, and the one that I hear most often (and am frequently guilty of myself, showing a dire acclimatization...) -

"What day is it?"

Meaning what day of the week of it is it. If you were to do a Kootenay-Styled "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" you'd open with that question. 

Then you'd follow it with "What's the date?" and I can tell you there's nobody here that would get the answer to that question without checking at least one or two of their lifelines.

Then, finally, for a million dollars, you'd ask them the year. Because, hell, if they knew the day, date and year they'd let you keep your million dollars, out here, if they could answer all three of those questions on their own they'd be millionaires on their own initiative...

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