Now, these are popular feel-good videos on my Facebook feed. I'll describe 2 of them.

#1 - Wherein "good people" are shown releasing a wolf, bobcat, cougar, bear, etc. from a trap that wasn't meant to catch them. And of course we all feel good in the end because the animal runs away free and not dead, maybe with a broken paw and pronounced limp for the rest of their disabled and shortened lives, but - hey - they got to live and it was a good deed, no? Actually, No. The trap was set to capture the animal to generate the feel-good content. This is animal abuse and it's shit.

#2 - Some good person takes in or rescues a malnourished stray, often finding it in ridiculously dire straits - eg: tar-pits, mud-holes, etc. They then nourish it and restore it to great health and post the results online. Some - and I mean only some - are probably true. But unfortunately a good many of these are people taking in a perfectly good dog or cat and abusing it to the point of it being unrecognizable, then reversing the order of events before putting it on Facebook. Anything for the likes and up-votes.

So, I'm on Facebook a little bit and too much and - while some of it is harmless and amusing (the treasure-finding videos), a lot of it is upon light-to-none consideration most disturbing. And I'm questioning my involvement in this Empire of Idiots...


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