Automated messages on my machine advising me that if I don't make payment soon I risk having my service disconnected.

It's urgent, I should call their customer service center right away.

I do, but their customer service center is not yet open.

It's amusing as I disconnected my service several months ago, the end of February to be precise.

And numerous follow up calls, whilst winning the agreement of their customer service reps that I should be long since disconnected, aren't getting me off billing. In their minds, the itsy-bitsy teeny corporate mind of Shaw cable, the only mystery is why on earth I haven't consented to direct debit. 

It would be easier. And hey, despite the numerous cock-ups and mistakes wouldn't we all just be happier if I just paid my bill? Because even if they make mistakes, as unlikely as it is (ahem!), I can be sure that they'd quickly set things right....

I'll call later. After garage sales. And report on the outcome then.


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