Antique house keys, English, most date from the early 1800's, some are earlier. $11.00 per key, no bulk discounts. So if like you want to buy 6 keys (why? 1 is unique, cool & decorative. 6? That's greedy) than the price would be $66.00 If you wanted to buy 20 keys at $11.00 per key with no bulk discount that would come to $210.00. Don't worry, I don't have 20 keys for sale. Now for the Fun Facts: It is rumored that I have hidden somewhere in the city of Calgary an old chest filled with Spanish doubloons and pieces of eight and that I'm actually selling the key that will unlock it. The other fun fact is that I've liberally sprinkled clues throughout my ads and even gone so far as to hiding them in items I have sold. The third and final fun fact refers to my credibility, but I'll let you work that one out on your own...

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