It's crazy. Post an ad for free dinosaur bones - I have at least 4 5 gallon pails full, and a dozen responses in 5 minutes. 1 Girl wants them all, will pick them up, and I'm a bit annoyed - there's plenty enough to go around, and people that want "ALL" the free stuff are generally like locusts. Plus it makes me suspect they are hoping to flip them on the black market, which - if I can't do - they shouldn't be able to either.

So she gives me a time and I say "sure, just text first to ensure there are some left..." and she gets annoyed - well, if I can't save them she can't be bothered...

More, terse 1 word questions, "Where?!!!!", free, it brings out the - well, bottom feeders. And then there was this:

I couldn't make this stuff up.

Smart Search