(Trying to sell this goddamn thing on Kijiji and Facebook only they limit my description)

Wow! This baby can be wherever you want it to be!!
Investment Opportunity: Become a Kootenay Landlord! For a mere.... you could own this '94 Jeep Grand Cherokee. While you'll be able to drive it home the failing transmission doesn't recommend taking it on any long-haul journeys.
That said:
  • - Spacious Outdoor Bathroom & Kitchen
  • - Excellent for foraging
  • - 1 time only close to whatever Amenity your heart so desires.
  • - Winter Tires (read: Doesn't need any tires put it up on blocks wow this is a gold mine already!!!!)
  • - Roof Rack (read: Abundant storage)
  • - 5 Seats, the 3 back of which fold down to accommodate whatever shade of Kootenay Polyamory you're into.
Yep, that's right, this baby could be rented out tomorrow - earning you a cool $X000 per month.
"TO WHOM? You ask? My God, they'll be lining up!!! Winter's almost here!!! You know that annoying facebook couple that post pictures of themselves with an ad that reads something like this:
"Hi My Name is KUKI and this is my boyfriend Adam although sometimes I call him "Madam" or "Madman" hahaha and this is our little chihuahua "FRENZY"  that's not rabies he's eating a bat! hahaha and you know we're looking for a place here in town to rent we'd like to move here I have my own business my "OnlyFans' page has almost 30 subscribers and Madam (hahaha) is going to be studying "The theory of Chiromancy" at Selkirk college next fall ideally we'd like to have a big yard and live close to cool like minded people like us we love it here so much and want to hear back from you soon."
Yep. Let them begin doing their time.
SO - that said, what say you pick up this little baby and let the rental income start pouring in...?

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